圣田一天天地长大, 也长得更像圣德了, 真是不可思议, 也让我丝丝安慰。
[17:06] Eugenice: i told ma just now that the bigger tian grows, the more he looked alike Shen De of the Sin Ultrasound and in my dream---the photo of angel in my blog posted in 2007, bef tian was born 在新加坡做4D扫描‘以及 圣德这两年来在我梦中巡回千百遍的身影
[17:06] Eugenice: u know what she said?
[17:06] Eugenice: she asked me why i did not want to deliver De last time?
[17:07] Eugenice: i shocked:: ma, u forgot his bird bird problem ah?
[17:07] Eugenice: then only she ahh ahhh
[17:18] Lance: she is always forgetful
[17:19] Lance: since b4 she is like that. always forget this and that
[17:19] Lance: i say tell her all of why this happen - the cause and effect
[17:19] Lance: u r the one stopping me