Monday, August 9, 2010

2010-08-09 Tian always sick & JC seeking help

由於小田看醫生頻頻, 這位新爸爸竟也在面子書上特開了一相冊上載孩子看醫生的照片.

[13:10] Jessie:
hi sao sao
[13:12] Jessie: siao tian diarrhea for a week liao :(
[13:13] Jessie: say is because growth teeth it true?
[13:14] Eugenice: oh
[13:14] Eugenice: doc said?
[13:15] Jessie: nup doc said nothing, cos he is still active
[13:15] Eugenice: many reasons can cause diarrhea
[13:15] Jessie: those are old ppl said
[13:15] Eugenice: if caused by teeth growing, what abt his previous teeth? also fell sick when growing?
[13:16] Jessie: i think some teeth yes but not all
[13:16] Jessie: didnt really record every single thing :(
[13:16] Jessie: cannot remember liao
[13:17] Eugenice: if he had the same before, then maybe this time also yes
[13:17] Jessie: so challenging !!!!
[13:17] Jessie: how r u?
[13:17] Jessie: this end month long holidays, we may come back
[13:18] Eugenice: if he never sick when teeth growing, then maybe another reasons, eg: food, hygiene,drinks, etc
[13:18] Eugenice: i m here busy lo, u leh?
[13:18] Eugenice: so long no updates
[13:19] Jessie: he never complaint stomach ache
[13:19] Eugenice: eat? as usual? any changing in eating?
[13:20] Jessie: yup he eat as actively
[13:20] Jessie: no wor....just normal
[13:20] Jessie: except he started school lor...
[13:20] Jessie: and ever since then, always sick
[13:21] Eugenice: he eat at school?
[13:22] Jessie: yes
[13:22] Eugenice: morning session? half day?
[13:22] Eugenice: did u check what he was feed at school?
[13:31] Jessie: rice and vege
[13:31] Jessie: my mom also there in the school
[13:32] Jessie: not because of school food cos tian start diarrhea sunday nite
[13:33] Eugenice: diarrhea non-stop? how many time per day? watery? or soft stool? or only water?
[13:33] Jessie: soft stool, 5-6 times per day
[13:33] Eugenice: that means he eats a lot? or he has been eating too much?
[13:34] Jessie: normal
[13:34] Jessie: not alot....he usually eat less
[13:34] Jessie: so consider normal
[13:34] Eugenice: yes, i know he usually eat quite less, but if he pass out soft stool 5-6/day, means he is full inside worr
[13:35] Jessie: dun understand
[13:35] Eugenice: if diarrhea, aft 3-4 times, will only watery, bcos no more solid food in the stomach
[13:36] Jessie: he eat solid food ma
[13:36] Eugenice: so his total input of food=output of stool?
[13:37] Eugenice: can he control? or just pass on his pant?
[13:37] Jessie: i think so...
[13:37] Jessie: yday can control
[13:38] Eugenice: if cant control for many days, need to check on the colon 大肠
[13:39] Eugenice: what did your mom say? she is more qualified....i am just based on my knowledge
[13:46] Jessie: she not so ken cheong type geh
[13:46] Jessie: haha
[13:48] Eugenice: certain things must kan cheong, certain can ignore or delay
[13:51] Jessie: yday also visited doc....he said nothing
[13:51] Eugenice: running nose & cough is still ok, but don play play with fever & diarrhea
[13:51] Jessie: went twice liao
[13:51] Jessie: wed and yday nite
[13:52] Eugenice: did doc listen on tian's stomach movement?
[13:52] Jessie: yes
[13:52] Eugenice: so stomach normal right, what abt the colon?
[13:52] Jessie: colon duno
[13:54] Eugenice: then maybe u change to another doc & see

[14:04] Jessie: i call u...can?
[14:10] Jessie: what is colon check?
[14:13] Eugenice: [14:12] Chinseng Yeoh: did dr give antibiotics?
[14:13] Chinseng Yeoh: kids cannot check colon
[14:13] Eugenice: reply from a doc
[14:14] Eugenice: adults can only check colon, use scope
[14:14] Eugenice: for kids, only agak agak, suspect
[14:14] Jessie: not sure need to send him to do scope onot
[14:14] Eugenice: so normally doc only give a/biotic for kids
[14:15] Eugenice: oh no, kids cannot do scope
[14:15] Jessie: so shd i wait one more day?
[14:15] Eugenice: their lubang too small la
[14:15] Jessie: no wor....UH dun like to give a/biotic
[14:15] Eugenice: change doc
[14:16] Jessie: UH is two different and last nite
[14:16] Jessie: not same
[14:17] Jessie: unless tonite i go to his usual kids doc
[14:17] Eugenice:
[14:16] Chinseng Yeoh: was the stool like "kaya" or dilute moi?
[14:17] Jessie: kaya
[14:17] Jessie: like kacang hijau bubur...with biji-biji
[14:17] Jessie: start with yellow now brown
[14:18] Eugenice: what r that biji-biji? the things he eaten?
[14:18] Jessie: nup is not the thing he ate...just the stool are like that...old ppl said that's the sign of growing teeth....akakakakkaka
[14:19] Jessie: but not the hard biji...just the stool look like biji biji

[14:29] Eugenice: waiting for doc reply, he has pt now
[14:29] Jessie: tq so much
[14:30] Eugenice: i will suggest not to delay, u can try go to other clinic/ kids hosp
[14:30] Jessie: clinic never help for tian :(
[14:30] Jessie: haha
[14:30] Jessie: all the time, he only can recover after seeing his so call 'doc' akakakkaka
[14:30] Eugenice: even diff doc, but as long as they are under same UH, the receive the same directive
[14:30] Jessie: today my mom said, so far so good
[14:31] Eugenice: so not going to school this wk/ last wk?
[14:31] Jessie: today not going
[14:31] Jessie: last week went 3 days
[14:32] Jessie: fri not sending him cos just swimming and play....i dun like the swimming thing
[14:32] Eugenice: swimming? the child care provides swimming?
[14:32] Eugenice: why u dont like? i thought u all like to swim
[14:33] Jessie: i dun like the pool they provide and too many kids in the small pool]
[14:33] Jessie: also day before water....very cool
[14:38] Eugenice: any family members also having diarrhoea?
[14:39] Jessie: KT diarrhea last sat but he was away in JB
[14:39] Jessie: he return sun nite after tian sudah tidur
[14:42] Eugenice: u mean kt got diarrhea while he was at jb? or started at KL then he travelled to jb? possible he got it at KL too?
[14:43] Jessie: while in JB
[14:43] Jessie: nup, got it in JB sat dinner
[14:44] Eugenice: then should not from the same bacteria/ virus
[14:47] Jessie: dun think so....
[14:48] Eugenice: [14:37] Chinseng Yeoh: Try modiy his diet
[14:38] Chinseng Yeoh: give high fibre like veggies
[14:48] Jessie: egg ok?
[14:49] Jessie: mix egg and vege? cos tian dun really know how to eat vege yet :$

[14:50] Eugenice:
[14:48] eugenice: need to go further for other checking?
[14:49] Chinseng Yeoh: if in doubt, better recheck
[14:50] Jessie: noted
[14:50] Jessie: tq tq
[14:51] Eugenice: recheck means to check with other doc from other hosp/ clinic, not the same hosp which running the same policy
[14:51] Jessie: k tx
[14:52] Eugenice: egg should be ok, it is protein
[14:52] Jessie: will inform my mom to cook egg + vege for him and try
[14:52] Jessie: he love egg now adays...just learn to eat nia
[14:53] Jessie: so can chop very tiny vege, add together
[14:53] Eugenice: what was his earlier sakit? bef diarrhea?
[14:53] Jessie: 1/7 start school....2/7 start flu
[14:53] Jessie: then high fever
[14:53] Jessie: two weeks no school
[14:54] Jessie: fever, flu + cough
[14:54] Jessie: after recover, start school back but after 3 days, flu again but minor
[14:54] Jessie: then sunday nite he dun want to go school, then he cry and vomit
[14:54] Jessie: monday nite say ok no need go school....stop crying and no issue
[14:55] Eugenice: aiyo
[14:55] Jessie: tue nite didnt mention school, he sleep normal hour, then midnite 2am, he cry and try to vomit but couldnt....very obvious is he try to vomit and pretent sick
[14:55] Jessie: then i learn, sometime kids can pretent sick wor
[14:56] Jessie: after stop aweek, start school back for one week but only like 3 days haha
[14:57] Jessie: last week was 2-5aug
[14:59] Eugenice: he doesnt like to go to school?
[14:59] Eugenice: why?
[14:59] Jessie: cos he scared my mom leave him
[15:00] Eugenice: wah...he is a boy wor, must brave
[15:00] Jessie: haha he cry like gal geh
[15:00] Eugenice: mei never cry since 1st day to childcare at age 3
[15:01] Jessie: brave gal

[14:11] eugenice: want to consult u
[14:11] eugenice: if a 2 y/o kid diarrhea for 1 wk, 5-6 time a day, visited doc twice, stomach ok
[14:12] eugenice: what r the possibilities? how to check colon for young kid?
[14:12] Chinseng Yeoh: did dr give antibiotics?
[14:13] Chinseng Yeoh: kids cannot check colon
[14:15] eugenice: no a/b given
[14:15] Chinseng Yeoh: was the sai watery?
[14:16] eugenice: soft stool
[14:16] Chinseng Yeoh: was the stool like kaya or dilute moi?
[14:17] eugenice: kaya
[14:17] Chinseng Yeoh: change the milk
[14:18] eugenice: now less taking milk, mostly solid food
[14:19] eugenice: the stool like kacang hijau bubur...with biji-biji, last wk started with yellow, now brown

[14:34] Chinseng Yeoh: your kid?
[14:34] eugenice: 2 y/o
[14:35] eugenice: u remember my history? the nephew which believed 投胎 from my son
[14:36] eugenice: the mom will ask me for whatever the kid is facing. The little boy will just listen to me. Funny right?
[14:36] Chinseng Yeoh: OIC
[14:36] Chinseng Yeoh: any family members also having diarrhoea?
[14:36] eugenice: no
[14:36] Chinseng Yeoh: He is your god son?
[14:36] eugenice: no, i dont want such relationship
[14:37] eugenice: the boy has special bonding with me
[14:37] Chinseng Yeoh: Good lah got bonding
[14:37] Chinseng Yeoh: Most likely the problems lie in his food
[14:37] Chinseng Yeoh: Try modiy his diet
[14:38] Chinseng Yeoh: give high fibre like veggies
[14:48] eugenice: need to go further for other checking?
[14:49] Chinseng Yeoh: if in doubt, better recheck